Please click here to view the 2024 Fundraising Report Report instructions.

For TAUW Use Only
Envelope #:  
Date Opened  
Deposit Date  
Batch #  
Trans Entered  

2024 Fundraising Report

Please place one copy of this form inside a large white envelope with other envelopes/money.
Remember to keep a copy for your records.

I. Company Authorization (Required) Information provided is to the best of my knowledge. I have verified the pledges and TAUW is authorized to issue pledge reminders in these amounts.

II. Payroll, Employee, Special Event and Corporate Gifts
This report should only include current NOT previously reported gifts.

  A B C D=A+B+C E D+E
  # of
Currency Coin Checks Total Money
Pledges Total
1. Payroll Contributions
2. Employee Gifts -
To Be Billed
3. Employee Gifts -
Money Enclosed
4. Special Events    
5. Corporate Gift

III. Credit Card and Auto Debit Gifts

Please list any pledges below that are to be paid with a credit card or auto debit from a checking account. Do not include these gifts in section II. Payroll, Employee, Special Event and Corporate Gifts.

  A B C D=A+B+C E D+E
  # of
Currency Coin Checks Total Money
Pledges Total
1. Employee Gifts -
To Be Paid Credit Card
2. Employee Gifts -
To Be Paid Auto Debit
3. Corporate Gifts -
To Be Paid Credit Card or Auto Debit
Required field(s) are indicated by an *.

II. Payroll, Employee, Special Event and Corporate Gifts

This report should only include current NOT previously reported gifts.


Employee Gifts TBB

Employee Gifts ME

Special Events

Corporate Gift
